2024 SLC Keynote Speaker

2024 Mississippi Collegiate FBLA State Leadership Conference Keynote Speaker: Dr. Stephanie Duguid

February 14, 2024: Senatobia, MS The 2024 Mississippi Collegiate Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Leadership Conference (SLC) was held in Senatobia, Mississippi.  FBLA competitors traveled from all around the state of Mississippi to compete in 1 of the 32 competitive events.  Competing in the SLC is required for participants vying for a chance to advance and go to the national competitions representing Team Mississippi – FBLA Collegiate.  The keynote speaker for the event was Dr. Stephanie Duguid from Do Good Leadership.

Her theme for the audience was the importance of teamwork.  While Dr. Stephanie, as she likes to be called, is a highly sought-after speaker, FBLA was fortunate to have someone of her caliber to deliver their keynote address.  Known for providing research-based content, she began her presentation showing statistics from a survey about teamwork. “86% – The percentage of employers for a 2022 survey that considered the ability to work as a team as a critical skill,” said Dr. Stephanie.

Citing two powerful figures Steve Jobs, known for both the Apple Computer and iPhone devices, and Phil Jackson, who won a record 11 National Basketball Association (NBA) championships as a coach and two more as a player.  These men while brilliant, could not have succeeded without a team around them, said Dr. Stephanie.

In closing, Dr. Stephanie challenged the participants to reimagine FBLA acronym.

Think of FBLA in a new way:

F: Future Vision

B: Believe in Each other

L: Lead with Heart

A: Achieve More

said, Dr. Stephanie Duguid

Ms. Arianna Chestnut, Delta State University, State FBLA Secretary presents Dr. Stephanie with a certificate of appreciation at the 2024 FBLA SLC.